Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's Been Awhile...

So it's been just a few months since my last post :) I have no explanation for why, it just hasn't been at the top of my To Do list! We are all doing well, though. We put our home up for sale and four days later we had a contract on it and we closed toda and we've been really busy trying to find somewhere to live. We were going to rent, then we were going to buy, then we were going to build, and finally we decided to rent until we figure out if we're going to be here for awhile. We found a house out in the country and we move in, hopefully, on Friday! We closed on our home today and it was sad to walk out of it and drive away for the last time, but it's done and there's no going back! I never realized selling a home could be so stressful!! Other than that, the kids have been growing like weeds and learning so many new things. Ivan turned two on April 2nd and he learned how to ride his bike about 2 weeks before that. It was so exciting!! I walked out the back slider and he was riding around on the patio. I had been trying to teach him earlier that day, but I did realize he had caught on so quickly. Abigail has learned her ABCs and can almost count to 20. She counts her "pretty nails" on her fingers and toes. It's so cute to watch her do it and she is turning into such a girly girl. She freaks out if she sees a bug and then she tells me to get it. Today Anthony said "I'm three right now, but I'm turning into four on my birthday!" and he held up three finger on each hand. So he started to count the fingers he was holding up and then he said "Three fingers right here and three fingers right here is six fingers." I just can't believe how big they are getting.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Well, our plans for Thanksgiving changed quite a bit because all three of the kids were sick, so we decided last minute to stay here and not go to Boone. We were really bummed, but the trip itself would have been miserable for the kids and I didn't want to take our sickness up there and chance everyone else getting sick! We are looking forward to a hopefully healthy and happy Christmas with our family this year. I did not go shopping on black Friday because I do not handle arrogant people very well and I have always come across at least a handful of them while shopping the day after Thanksgiving. And the fact that the majority of people would be willing to physically fight me at 5:oo in the morning over a toy is just ridiculous, so I stay home in my PJs and do my shopping online if need be :)

We will be getting our Christmas tree in about a week and I can't wait!!!! After it's decorated and everything then I'll post pictures! I love the spirit of Christmas, but I can't remember a December while growing up where it was 60 degrees outside! It's nice not having to worry about scraping cars off before work in the morning, but gosh I miss rolling in the snow sometimes :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

What's New With Us...

Things have been just a bit chaotic around here lately, but then again, when aren't they?? I've started working at a day care center a couple of weeks ago and have to be gone by 6 am with all three kids. Anthony and Abigail go to day care where I work, but are in the infant and toddler building and Ivan will be moved there in December when his spot opens up. I work with school-aged kids, so it's not too bad. I have really enjoy working at the center and really hope it helps our family rather than hindering it. The kids love going to "school", too.

Daniel has been working a lot, as usual, and will be transfering to another squadron in December. He went to Ohio for a hunting trip the first week of November and had a great time. He killed a 10 point and was very please with himself. He went out yesterday afternoon to hunt and brought home a 4 point. There is a black bear roaming the woods where he hunts and is hoping to get a good shot at that as well, so we'll see what happens!

We are looking forward to going to Thanksgiving next week to spend the day with our family in Boone. The kids love going up there to see the mountains and go on golf cart rides with their grandparents and Aunt Nicole.

Hope y'all have a great Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Anthony, Abigail, and Ivan got this swingset from Daniel, me, and my mom for their birthdays. It took Daniel and I (mostly Daniel) somewhere about 24 hours to put it all together. The kids absolutely love playing on it together. Daniel and I even ventured up there with them after it was finished and had a pretty good time! Ivan climbs up the ladder all by himself and it scares the crap out of me, but he has to grow up sometime! Anthony has learned how to swing himself and he loves getting underdogs. Abigail, on the other hand, is content with swinging slowly on her belly. And it's really funny because Ivan goes to the little window in the fort and yells out of it like a bird. He goes "Ca-CAAAW!!!" It's great to watch them play together because they get along so well; I just can't believe they are going to be 2, 3, and 4 soon!


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Heeeere Fishy, Fishy....

On Friday, Daniel went to Aurora, NC and met up with his Dad to go fishin'. They were mostly catching Red Drum and you can only get one of them per day and it has to be between 18" and 27" long. Friday evening they took the boat out and Daniel caught one that fell 3/4" short of the limits, so they set their scaly little friend in the water and watched him swim away happy and free once again. Saturday, Daniel and Dad ventured out onto the waters of the Pamlico once more in hopes for better catch that day. Though it was raining, they were troopers and stuck it out until Daniel got the first catch they didn't have to give back. This would be Daniel's first "big fish" he's caught in the sea. Dad caught a few Flounder and a butt load of shrimp from a local fisherman's ice chest and I'm looking forward to eating those, too. Can't wait for dinner tonight!! Mmmmmm...
Thanks, Dad, for taking Daniel on such a great little weekend getaway. He had a blast!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Woo Hoo!!

So...after many attempts at trying to create a blog, I have finally figured it out. Computers make me feel like such an idiot sometimes! I'm not exactly positive of what to write in it, but I'm sure I'll get the gist of it as I go along so hang with me. I've found that these things take quite a bit of time to put together, but I promise I'll work hard on it so all of our family and friends can see new pictures of our kids and read about what is going on in our life. One day, when I figure it out, everyone who reads our blog will get to listen to music to make it more interesting, but I'm hoping that the stories and pictures will be enough to keep everyone entertained! Anyway...it's time to put pictures in and maybe I'll work on that music thing. Hope you enjoy what you see so far and come back often for updates!

Enjoy your day!!!